VCP-NV (VCPN610) Passed!

After a couple of months of working through the blueprint and producing my Study Guide I travelled up to Global Knowledge in Leeds to attempt the exam.

I was originally due to take it in mid December, but after an untimely laptop crash, 3 days before my exam, which really was the final straw on top of everything else going on at that time, I had to reschedule and today was the earliest slot I could get.

Anyway, the exam was pretty much as expected, with a few slightly obscure questions that I don’t really recall being in the blueprint. I completed it in a little over an hour, and got 403 marks (passing score 300, maximum 500), which doesn’t seem too bad. There just isn’t the time pressure on the VCP exams that there is on the VCAP-DCA.

A big thank you to all the bloggers that have shared their knowledge, their findings, and their advice, and I hope that my study guide has given something back to the community.

14 thoughts on “VCP-NV (VCPN610) Passed!

  1. Hello all,

    I’m having trouble with this exam question:

    Which Virtual Machine cannot be protected by the Distributed Firewall?

    A Virtual Machine connected to a vDS Portgroup running on an ESXi 5.1 host.

    A Virtual Machine connected to a vSS Portgroup running on an ESXi 5.5 host.

    A Virtual Machine connected to a vDS Portgroup running on an ESXi 5.5 host.

    A Virtual Machine connected to a logical switch running on an ESXi 5.1 host.

    My answer would be B. Exam Q&As on the web say D but comments flip-flop B & D. Could anyone please help?

    • I can find plenty of links that would suggest all 4 would be protected :/

      By process of elimination (for want of any definitive answer) :

      A and D are both 5.1 – therefore it can’t be just A or D on basis of 5.1 not supported
      A and C are both vDS – therefore it can’t be just A or C on basis of vDS not supported
      D – logical switch is a core element of NSX, so it can’t be that
      Therefore I would go with B, however I’ve seen plenty of postings saying that vSS is supported for distributed firewall.

      • I used the same process of elimination….Well if i see this Q in the exam I’ll choose B. Maybe it’s “one of those questions” within the IT exams realm πŸ™‚ Thanks much

  2. I would have went with D.. Since it’s my understanding that with 5.5 it will support vSS or vDS.. But with 5.1 there are some limitations.. Though I don’t believe that vSS was specifically mentioned for ESX 5.1 – that to me would be the safest answer… ESXi 5.1 connected to vSS.

    • Option D was “A Virtual Machine connected to a logical switch running on an ESXi 5.1 host.” – a logical switch is not a vSS, it’s the NSX specific, VXLAN Layer 2 broadcast domain switch.

      ESXi 5.1 with vSS isn’t one of the options in the example shown unfortunately.

  3. I do wonder if, like you said, it’s one of “those” questions, where the answer accepted as correct by the exam, isn’t actually right.

    To me, it makes little sense for a VM on an NSX Logical Switch, on a supported version of ESXi, to not be protected by the dFW.

    • Exactly!!! After starting up the convo on this forum I checked many more sources, even a colleague who recently passed, all pointed to D. So I said to myself, well I could get one more wrong and still get over 300.

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